BIOFIT MIRACLE CLEANSING MILK ​奇蹟水潔面乳 75ml (行貨) Made in Hong Kong 香港製造



BIOFIT MIRACLE CLEANSING MILK ​奇蹟水潔面乳 75ml (行貨) Made in Hong Kong 香港製造 以氨基酸配合天然植物成份為基礎的潔面乳, 潔淨效果特別溫和能夠徹底卸載彩妝殘漬與污垢雜質。 配合提 升肌膚免疫力並且具有保濕作用的維生素原B5, 注入專利AMX PLUS生物製劑,清潔的同時, 為肌膚提供保濕調理, 維持肌膚生態。 本產品更可以溶解黑頭與老化角質, 改善暗黃膚色, 讓肌膚立顯平滑, 洗淨後不會留下繃緊乾燥感覺, 肌膚散發嫩白水潤光彩。 以氨基酸作為清潔基礎 與少量清水混合後,變成幼細泡沫 性質溫和,用後肌膚清爽但不緊繃 能徹底潔淨肌膚,卸載彩妝殘漬 去除黑頭、污垢等雜質 改善暗黃膚色 適合不同膚質 使用方法 每日早晚,先用水潤濕面部,取本品適量以打圈的方式在臉部按摩1-2分鐘,然後用清水沖洗乾淨。 香港製造 This gentle & refreshing cleansing milk thoroughly removes make up and impurities. Enriched amino acids and plant extracts to preserve the hydration of the skin. The patented AMX biotechnology helps to maintain the healthy skin microbiome and stimulate circulation to reveal a fresh, smoothed and translucent skin complexion. BENEFITS Deep Cleansing : removes impurites, make up and sloughs away dead skin cells without drying out or irritating the skin. Soothing : Gently cleanses the skin and helps maintain the skin’s natural moisture balance, leaving it smooth, weightless and refreshed. Protects : Offers daily protection against environmental stress and extreme temperature changes to help prevent visible signs of collagen breakdown. Repairs : Diminishes the appearance of redness, inflammation, and surface irritation. USAGE - FOR ALL SKIN TYPES Morning & evening, having dampened the face, apply small amount and massage in small circular movements for 1-2 minutes then rinse off with warm water. Made in Hong Kong



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