德國寶 智能捕蚊器 (行貨)MTR-100 German Pool USB Mosquito Trap MTR-100



雙風道立體漩渦氣流,強力捕捉及風乾蚊蟲 紫外光及仿人體氣味,高效誘蚊 無毒、無侵害性,安全可靠 智能感光系統,入夜或黑暗時自動運行 光線柔和,靜音運作,享受寧靜睡眠 USB一插即用,可連接充電寶、電腦、汽車等 輕巧便攜,方便家居、辦公室或戶外活動如露營使用 Strong vortex fan effectively sucking in mosquitoes Luring mosquitoes with UV & synthetic human smell Safe, non-toxic Timer setting & light sensor for auto mode Quiet with soft light, ideal for nighttime use USB powered: working with power bank, computer, car etc. Lightweight & portable: great for home, office & outdoors
